writing, editing, teaching, & learning services for the instruction, enrichment, and remediation of the humanities and the social sciences

education, advocacy, & research for human services and the civic arts.



a sole proprietorship & education consultant company

Desk43’s Values

“Air Has No Prejudice”

Air has no prejudice.

Air does not carry the words of a man
faster than those of a woman.

Air does not know the differences among black, white, or brown skin—
short or tall, small or large sizes—gay or straight or trans lives—
abled or disabled bodies—and would not care about
these differences otherwise.

Air does not know age,
and so the opinions of the young
travel no less quickly and no more slowly
than the teachings of the old.

And so, one truth stands to reason
and suffers to be told:

if one's words are wise, powerful, and efficacious
(and spoken to bring profit, peace, and
prosperity to his or her fellow people)
then those words will not only
rule the air
but also lead the people to a better world’s

So here, in this moment, for this reason,
at this desk, in this place, for our human race
do we strive to learn those words,
so that a better world is not just mere “possibility”
but that a better world
becomes (and is made and will be)
our reality.

At Desk43, the interactions and institutions of the human experience are paramount. So too are the literacy and communication skills needed to fully appreciate how those interactions and institutions (as represented by the humanities and social sciences) have shaped and continue to shape the experience which binds us all: our human condition.

Through Desk43’s first phase, the initial online presence launched in 2020, Desk43 existed as an educational consultant—both a teaching resource and learning service—having a primary focus on the instruction, enrichment, and remediation in these disciplines through writing, tutoring, and other learning services.

Launched at Desk43’s reopening in late 2023, Desk43’s second and third phases continue the proprietorship’s service as that educational consultant as well as an editorial and design service. In conjunction with human services to the public, Desk43 honors the civics arts by providing services in education, advocacy, and research to the underserved in the public’s care. These two phases are a tribute to the proprietor’s experiences as a youth and as a young man in both journalism and the justice system.

Uniting all three phrases and serving as the continuity between the Desk43 of today and the Desk43 of yesterday is the proprietorship’s status as a forum of knowledge and ideas, and the fact that the proprietorship continues to be a practical service for professionals, educators, above all, students.

Moreover, today, Desk43 remains what the proprietorship intended to be when only an idea: the living part of a promise to do one's best work, born from both the daring spirit to learn and the conviction to contribute, if not but the smallest good, to helping lead others on the road out of poverty and to tending the soul of the world for the betterment of our society, our world, and our future—

—for by taking that road, and by tending our soul
do we dare to learn to live in a better world
because a better world is possible.